Project description

The objective of the Global Factor team was to present the full project proposal to the Adaptation Fund, once the concept note was approved. The work consisted in the management and coordination of the project proposal, oriented in vulnerability and climate risk analysis methodologies, in addition to developing the necessary studies in the following areas:

  • Analysis of weaknesses and environmental impacts of cities and coastal ecosystems.
  • Gender situation in the territories involved.
  • Support to local governments in the form of projects to be included in the proposal, relationship with national and sub-national governments involved.
  • All necessary tasks, including extensive participatory processes, for the submission of the full proposal and up to the final approval of the project by the Adaptation Fund.

Project details

  • Status: Finalized

  • Solution: Adaptation

  • Dates: 07/2018 – 07/2019

  • Localition: Uruguay Argentina