globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:36:57+01:00 Adaptation to climate change in cities and vulnerable ecosystems of the Uruguay-Argentina River Gallery Adattamento Adaptation to climate change in cities and vulnerable ecosystems of the Uruguay-Argentina RiverAdattamento
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:36:49+01:00 MEDICANES: meteorological environments, numeric forecasting and the assessment of present and future risks Gallery Meteoclim MEDICANES: meteorological environments, numeric forecasting and the assessment of present and future risksMeteoclim
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:36:32+01:00 CLITURMED: study of the climate potential for tourism Gallery Meteoclim CLITURMED: study of the climate potential for tourismMeteoclim
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:34:00+01:00 Meteorological forecast service for news media Gallery Meteoclim Meteorological forecast service for news mediaMeteoclim
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:33:47+01:00 Impacts of Climate Change to Agriculture Gallery Meteoclim Impacts of Climate Change to AgricultureMeteoclim
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:33:04+01:00 Statistical study of the climate conditions of the Caribbean Sea Gallery Meteoclim Statistical study of the climate conditions of the Caribbean SeaMeteoclim
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:32:32+01:00 Characterisation of the phenomenon of the formation and propagation of fog Gallery Meteoclim Characterisation of the phenomenon of the formation and propagation of fogMeteoclim
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:32:34+01:00 Assessment and construction of a green business model for green loans in the microfinance segment Gallery Sostenibilità Assessment and construction of a green business model for green loans in the microfinance segmentSostenibilità
globalfactor.com2021-12-18T18:06:39+01:00 Definition of blue and circular growth elements for island sustainability Gallery Sostenibilità Definition of blue and circular growth elements for island sustainabilitySostenibilità
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:31:26+01:00 Private sector development through the circular economy Gallery Economia circolare Private sector development through the circular economyEconomia circolare
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:30:52+01:00 Evaluation and development of a roadmap for the integration of the circular economy in the country Gallery Sostenibilità Evaluation and development of a roadmap for the integration of the circular economy in the countrySostenibilità
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T12:35:04+01:00 Diagnostic of Environmental Sustainability Gallery Sostenibilità Diagnostic of Environmental SustainabilitySostenibilità
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:20:55+01:00 Development of the Shared Value Report Gallery Sostenibilità Development of the Shared Value ReportSostenibilità
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:18:23+01:00 Tools for analysis, identification, management of green financial products Gallery Impronta Tools for analysis, identification, management of green financial productsImpronta
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:11:56+01:00 Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) Gallery Energia Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs)Energia
globalfactor.com2021-12-18T18:08:00+01:00 Sustainable energy for the industrial sector in Turkey Gallery Energia Sustainable energy for the industrial sector in TurkeyEnergia
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:11:17+01:00 Slovak Sustainable Energy Financing Facility III Gallery Energia Slovak Sustainable Energy Financing Facility IIIEnergia
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:10:45+01:00 Renewable Energy electricity auctions for Access Gallery Energia Renewable Energy electricity auctions for AccessEnergia
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:09:44+01:00 Sustainable Building Code in Peru Gallery Energia Sustainable Building Code in PeruEnergia
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T11:09:46+01:00 Career Days at the Pan African University for Water and Energy Gallery Energia Career Days at the Pan African University for Water and EnergyEnergia
globalfactor.com2021-12-18T18:08:26+01:00 Status of sustainable energy commitments in West Africa – ECOWAS NDC SPOTLIGHT Gallery Energia Status of sustainable energy commitments in West Africa – ECOWAS NDC SPOTLIGHTEnergia
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T10:58:00+01:00 Analysis of renewable energy tenders and community empowerment Gallery Energia Analysis of renewable energy tenders and community empowermentEnergia
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T10:57:37+01:00 Policy training for the promotion of mini-grids for ECOWAS rural electrification agencies Gallery Energia Policy training for the promotion of mini-grids for ECOWAS rural electrification agenciesEnergia
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T10:57:04+01:00 Renewable Energy Auctions II Gallery Energia Renewable Energy Auctions IIEnergia
globalfactor.com2023-06-26T10:56:46+01:00 Development of transparency mechanisms and technology related to climate change Gallery Energia Development of transparency mechanisms and technology related to climate changeEnergia