Project description
In recent years, renewable energy tenders have become one of the most popular support mechanisms for the development of large-scale projects. The number of countries that have carried out auctions has increased from 6 in 2005 to 67 in 2016, which were held in 34 countries, 12 of them Latin American countries. Most of the renewable energy tenders were for photovoltaic and wind energy
An unwanted effect of auctions is the exclusion of community driven renewable energy projects. The analysis carried out by Factor for REN21 presents the reasons why tenders exclude community projects and proposes a solution, to support them, articulated in three pillars: medium and long-term goals; secured power purchase agreements and the creation of an a community power authority which oversees and supports the renewable energy projects in these communities.
The completion of this report positions Factor as the leader in the design and analysis of renewable energy auctions.
In the following link you will find the analysis: