Europe is moving towards a new model for fairer renewable auctions. Brussels has launched a call for proposals to review and improve the design of renewable energy auctions in the region. The initiative, which will be open for comments for four weeks until 1 March 2024, aims to incorporate broader and fairer criteria in the allocation of financial support and rights to exploit scarce resources, such as the seabed, for clean energy projects.

The data collected during this consultation process will be instrumental in the development of a “Commission Recommendation” and a guidance document for EU Member States. These guidelines will serve as a framework for the design of renewable energy project auctions, with the aim of promoting transparency, non-discrimination and maximising project implementation.


In the framework of the European Wind Energy Action Plan, the Commission is expected to publish the Recommendation and guidance document in the second quarter of 2024. Action 4 of this plan calls on Member States to include objective, transparent and non-discriminatory qualitative criteria in their auctions, as well as measures to ensure a high implementation rate of projects.

The inclusion of non-price criteria in auctions, such as sustainability, innovation and product quality, is primarily aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of EU wind turbine manufacturers in the global market. This is particularly relevant at a time when the European Union faces the challenge of building almost 300 GW of wind energy to meet its 2030 renewable energy targets.

Net-Zero Industry Act

This move towards a fairer and more equitable auctioning model aligns with the EU’s broader efforts to achieve climate neutrality and compete on the global stage. In this regard, the recent interim agreement on the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) highlights the EU’s commitment to strengthen its industrial ecosystem and promote the transition to zero-balance technologies.

Under this agreement, at least 30% of the volume auctioned each year by each Member State is expected to be allocated according to criteria that are not exclusively related to price, which will drive innovation and the integration of advanced energy systems across Europe.

Source: El periódico de la energía