The European Commission has published a new European Commission’s Community Research and Development Information Service (Cordis) information package entitled ‘Clean energy transition to REPower the EU’. The publication highlights how 33 projects, funded by the European Union and managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) are working towards the same shared goal: advancing the clean energy transition in Europe. These projects are working to decarbonise industry, innovate new ways of producing renewable energy or retrofit buildings, among other issues.
Published by Cordis, the Synergy Info Packs highlight synergies between projects funded under various EU funding programmes.
Clean energy transition
The clean energy transition requires an increase in energy-efficient housing renovations, decarbonisation of industry and the adoption of climate-conscious lifestyles by citizens, as well as public-private cooperation, community involvement, sustainable transport alternatives and integrated smart grids.
Although the projects come from different funding programmes, countries and sectors, they all share a commitment to advancing the clean energy transition in Europe.
The chapter ‘Renovating Europe’s housing stock’ highlights how projects such as LIFE Giga Regio Factory are developing the innovative solutions that homeowners need to implement energy-efficient, low-cost home renovations that could greatly reduce the building sector’s significant carbon footprint.
The new Synergy Info Pack also covers the many technologies driving the transition to clean energy. This includes sustainable biofuels being developed by the BioSFerA project and innovative photovoltaic solutions coming from the BIPVBOOST and LIFE BIPV projects, all three highlighted in the chapter ‘Next Generation Green Energy Development’.
Projects to accelerate the decarbonisation of industry, to renovate Europe’s housing stock, to promote changes in consumer behaviour and to green the transport sector are also addressed.
Source: Es eficiencia